O que significa 33 Immortals Gameplay?
I was given the chance to take a crack at the game a week prior to the early access launch, giving me around six hours with the game split across multiple play sessions.
While not a full-fledged MMO, it borrows elements from large-scale raids, where success depends on cooperation and positioning rather than individual mastery of the game.
However, at the moment, the tutorial is weak, leaving you to figure many things out on your own like the crucial Empathy mechanic. The movement and combat initially feel sluggish compared to other roguelike games, which may be frustrating for those expecting a similarly fluid experience.
from Thunder Lotus Games hopes you have enough drive to repeatedly fight through the afterlife as well as a taste for cooperation. Mentioning roguelike nowadays means Hades inevitably comes up in the conversation, but this isn’t going for that kind of narrative-focused experience but leaning heavily into the multiplayer aspect. For good reasons too; without the cooperative element, I would imagine 33 Immortals
Returning here always had me cursing my death at first but then being excited to find out what I could unlock with my character using everything I had accomplished during the run. This involves unlocking more perk slots, upgrading them, handing in quests, wishing for certain boons that may appear in the next run, and noting future goals to strike towards
A unique boss duo awaits at the end of Purgatory too, while the upcoming dungeon set in heaven should deliver the final fight against God for those who are worthy.
The available content isn’t a small amount, but feels just a little underwhelming when there’s promises being made for more things that are coming in a few months’ time. A small delay could have meant shipping the game with at least the missing options menu items.
The above-mentioned Dark Woods is a staging ground outside the realm of Inferno, free of enemies, and where you’ll be able to upgrade your Soul for its next run by speaking to some notable literary characters.
The focus on cooperative play is seen everywhere. Finding a healing point and using it costs resources, but it also heals nearby allies for a smaller amount. This means it’s more economical to get together and heal as a group than simply wasting money for a solo boost.
In the same options menu, control bindings for both keyboard and mouse, and controllers, are missing. I did not have any issues with the existing control scheme, but that doesn’t mean this shouldn’t be a launch feature, even for an early access experience.
It may be the same developer, but this isn’t the soothing afterlife of Spiritfarer anymore. 33 Immortals
’ elegant solution here is to have a surplus of souls available on the world map at seemingly any given time – 33 to be 33 Immortals Gameplay precise – ready to jump in and help fill up any open slots. But should any Soul die, they will go back to the Dark Woods and not be replaced in that instance, making it vital to collaborate to give you and your Souls the best shot at taking down Lucifer.
Nearby, Charon manages cosmetics, all currently unlockable for free using cosmetic tokens found in runs. To the north, Beatrice grants you Feats, which unlock new gameplay features, while the eight Weapon Altars around her will let you pick which one you want to defy divine judgement with.
33 Immortals. One wayward dodge might push you into the path of a stumbling army of headless titans, who were, until just now, chasing some other poor soul. I’m speaking of this from experience. I’m just helpful like that.
The game begins with a 33-player map, Inferno, which is an arid wasteland of roaming demons, 12 Torture Chambers and one big ascension battle to complete. The minions running around Inferno are easy enough to dispatch for practice and Em excesso bones (the game’s currency), or you can run right by them without punishment. Torture Chambers are miniboss rooms designed for six players to tackle at once, but you can enter them with fewer than six, even alone. However, you’re unlikely to get far solo. The minibosses are hulking skeletons and big, flopping demon worms with plenty of health, and they always have hordes of minions as backup.